Hello Friends of the Valley. Some wise person long ago once said there are only 3 rules for a successful resort or restaurant; Rule #1: Location. Rule #2: Location. Rule #3: Location.
We are tucked away in the quiet hills of Nongnamdaeng, a 25-minute drive from Khao Yai National Park. Whilst we are not on the main drag, we are not that far away. We are only 4.3 km off of busy Thanarat Road, the road to the national park. Our location remains a true escape from the noise and interference of the busier side of life. Gratefully, guests have commented favourably that we are an oasis in the jungle.
There are MANY new attractions on or near Thanarat Road since my arrival here in 2007. Midwinter Green, Ribs Mannn, Chocolate Factory and Prime 19 are large, popular restaurants. European-styled tourist attractions, sunflower and strawberry fields have all sprung up in recent years. Large-scale concerts, marathons and cycle road races now populate the calendar in the dry cool season. These attractions bring increased business to the area. Unquestionably.
Further changes to the district are imminent; Motorway 6 from Bangkok to Nakhon Ratchasima and a high-speed rail link through to China will soon be completed. Thoughts and conjectures of what that may mean will be for another blog post. In the meantime, we will retain the peace and quiet that is our identity.