Hello Friends of the Valley. Whether Belgian jamming, or Chilean barbecuing, or Danish biking, it's all about uniting with new friends from around the world.

Hosting friends from near and far brings a lot of happiness to our little corner. The folk arrive typically looking for an adventure in Khao Yai National Park, or to sample the local wining and dining options found in the district. But soon they catch the essence of Eco Valley Lodge and hang around the joint to simply relax.
It's great when guests stay with us at least long enough to enjoy our natural garden setting and swimming pool. After hours, food is ordered, drinks appear on the tables and a lot of happy chatter ensues. Sometimes one thing leads to another and the guitars and ukulele come out for an impromptu musical moment. In the cool season, the campfire makes a perfect setting for such.

We've had occasions when the gas grill gets fired up for a feast shared amongst family and friends. And it's always a great treat when a visiting Italian or French chef is granted momentary access to our restaurant kitchen.

All in all, our guests bring a world of interests, knowledge and fun to our little office of united nations.