Hello Friends of the Valley. Sitting down at the round table, late afternoon, overlooking the swimming pool and garden. The temperature is a pleasant 27 degrees C. Mr M spontaneously burst forth in "dun diddle-dun diddle-dun diddle-dun BONANZA!" Sideways looks and silly grins confirmed it was a pleasant moment - even if it was a bit silly and unexpected. Never mind. It's another great moment at Eco.
The skies were a bit hazy this morning on the way to the resort, as this is the season for farmers to burn the corn husks in the fields. The dry season is full on now, when many trees drop their leaves and winter birds pay visits. Days without rain turn into weeks and much grows crispy and a little parched. The other day, a friend and I spied a half dozen Indian Rollers nearby. Very attractive birds with flashes of bright blues in their wings.
Favourite drinks on the table, birds flitting through the trees announcing their intentions to the world and the easy pace of Khao Yai living make this an altogether peaceful moment.
